Importance of making zikr and duaa during Ramadhaan

07 Ramadhaan 1444
29 March 2023
Wednesday يوم الأربعاء

Importance of making zikr and duaa during Ramadhaan.

Sayyiduna Umar رضي الله عنه narrates: Rasulullah ﷺ said:

“The one who remembers Allah [does dhikr] in Ramadan will be forgiven and the one who asks Allah in [Ramadan] will not be at a loss/disappointed”

(Al Mu’jamul Awsat, Hadith: 6166)

07 Ramadhaan 1444
29 March 2023
Wednesday يَوْمُ الأَرْبِعَاءْ

Rasulullah ﷺ said: There are in the month of Ramadhaan in every day and night those to whom Allah grants freedom from the Fire, and there is for every Muslim an supplication which he can make and will be granted.” (Al-Bazzaar and Ahmad)

7 Ramadhaan 1444
29 March 2023
Wednesday يوم الأربعاء

Abu Hurayrah رضى الله عنه narrates:

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

” Allah عز و جل said: “Every act of the son Adam (عليه السلام – i.e. humankind) is for him, except الصيام (fasting) ; For indeed it is for Me, and I Will (personally) reward it.” Fasting is a shield. And when anyone of you is fasting, then he should not behave obscenely, nor should he shout / be rowdy. And if anyone insults him or fights with him, then he should say: ‘Indeed I am fasting.’ (I take an oath) By The One in Whose Hand is the life of Muhammad (i.e. I take an oath By Allah), the smell (that emanates from) a fasting persons mouth is purer / more fragrant to Allah than the fragrance of musk. For the one who fasts (experiences) two (occasions of) happiness: when he breaks his fast (at night), his breaking (his fast by eating or drinking etc.) makes him happy. And when he meets his Lord, his fast (which he kept for Allah تعالى) makes him happy.”

Another narration states:
” (Allah تعالى says:) He leaves his food, and his drink, and his lust because of Me (i.e. for My sake). The Fast is for Me and I will (personally) reward it. And the good (deed) is ten times it’s likeness (i.e. the reward is multiplied ten times).”

A narration of Imaam Muslim رحمه الله تعالى states:
“Every act of the son of Adam is multiplied. The good (deed) is multiplied ten times it’s likeness to seven hundred. Allah تعالى said: “Except الصيام (fasting). For indeed it is for Me and I will (personally) reward it; He (son of Adam) leaves his lust and his food for Me (i.e. for My sake).” For the one who fasts (experiences) two (occasions of) happiness: Happiness at the time of his breaking (his fast at night). And happiness at the time of meeting his Lord. And the smell (that emanates from) his mouth is purer / more fragrant to Allah than the fragrance of musk.”


07 Ramadhan 1444
29 March 2023
Wednesday يوم الأربعاء

It’s okay unless it makes you weak

Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه reports that Rasúlullãh ﷺ got cupping done whilst he was in Ihrām, and he got cupping done whilst he was fasting.

Note: to do anything excessively which may cause to become weak and possibly break the fast (like causing to lose lots of blood) is makruh whilst fasting.

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